Day 57: Thursday July 2nd, (Rune Drawn: Mannaz) Man, mankind: The Self; the individual or the human race. Your attitude toward others and their attitudes towards you. Friends and enemies, social order. Intelligence, forethought, create, skill, ability. Divine structure, intelligence, awareness. Expect to receive some sort of aid or cooperation now.
Day 58: Friday July 3rd, , (Rune Drawn: Nauthiz:) Need: Delays, restriction. Resistance leading to strength, innovation, need-fire (self-reliance). Distress, confusion, conflict, and the power of will to overcome them. Endurance, survival, determination. A time to exercise patience. Recognition of one's fate. Major self-initiated change. Face your fears.
Day 59: Saturday July 4th, (Rune Drawn: Dagaz:) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet.
Day 60: Sunday July 5th, (Rune Drawn: Ehwaz) Horse, two horses: Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it.
Day 61: Monday July 6th, (Rune Drawn: Isa) Ice: A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it.
Day 62: Tuesday July 7th, (Rune Drawn: Isa) Ice: A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it.
Day 63: Wednesday July 8th, (Rune Drawn: Eihwaz) Yew tree: Strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness. Enlightenment, endurance. Defense, protection. The driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose. Indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals. An honest man who can be relied upon.

64: Thursday
July 9th, (Rune Drawn: Eihwaz) Yew tree: Strength, reliability,
dependability, trustworthiness. Enlightenment, endurance. Defense, protection.
The driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose.
Indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve
your goals. An honest man who can be relied upon.
Day 65: Monday July 20th, (Rune Drawn: Fehu) Cattle/portable wealth new beginnings. A very appropriate rune to draw after being away from my daily draws for so long. I do not believe that everyone sees this as a rune on beginnings, but with it being the first rune and with it's other associations, I very much do. It was interesting pulling it as I was fresh from Sirius Rising and was contemplating getting work done on my DP. The rune says that I should follow my heart and begin in earnest, so that when I make it to the last ritual I need I'll have everything else done.
Day 70: Sunday July 21st, (Rune Drawn: Ingwaz) : Today is the day that all my planning over the last few weeks has led to. Today is Cedarsongs Lughnassadh Ritual, and warrior games. Pulling Ingwaz today is fitting. Online the definition is: Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. Common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. Rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. Many fit into the male energy of the games, and the coming rest I get after the energy I put into the games. I did not win, but I was a winner with the way the games turned out. Thank you to all who played, and thanks to Jase for the amazing ritual.
Day 71: Monday July 22nd, (Rune Drawn: Isa) : A good
rune for today, a day of low energy for me. A day of recovery from the fun of
the weekend. Now that I am done with the games, it is time to focus on my DP. I
need to make a schedule for me, and slot time to work on the DP, or other things
will keep popping up. Thank you to Isa for the reminder.
******* Break for Sirius Rising*******
I was doing enough spiritual work there I took a break from the daily rune draws.
Day 65: Monday July 20th, (Rune Drawn: Fehu) Cattle/portable wealth new beginnings. A very appropriate rune to draw after being away from my daily draws for so long. I do not believe that everyone sees this as a rune on beginnings, but with it being the first rune and with it's other associations, I very much do. It was interesting pulling it as I was fresh from Sirius Rising and was contemplating getting work done on my DP. The rune says that I should follow my heart and begin in earnest, so that when I make it to the last ritual I need I'll have everything else done.
Day 66: Tuesday July 21st, (Rune Drawn: Ingwaz)
: Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. A time when all loose strings are
tied and you are free to move in a new direction. I had to chuckle when I pulled
this rune this morning. Tuesdays are the days where my girlfriend and I get
together, and I happened to be thinking about date night while I pulled the
runes. Pulling fertility was rather funny. Not that we are worried about
fertility, but it is a warning to be extra careful if anything happens, as
neither of us are looking for kids.
Day 67: Wednesday July 22nd,
(Rune Drawn: Thurisaz) : A force
that frees or fights a foe. I am constantly amazed at how the runes respond to
the intent used when drawing them. This
weekend is Cedarsong Groves Lughnasadh ritual. This year we are having warrior
games before the ritual, and I have been working like crazy to get everything
ready for them. So as I pulled the rune this morning I was reflecting on the upcoming
weekend and the games in particular. Though I am helping organize them, I do
also plan to participate, and pulling Thurisaz is a reminded to gather
in the energy I need to compete in the games. Though they are not a battle,
they are still a fight. I know it is no longer politically correct to want to “Win”,
but I would like to. I’ll have fun even if I do not, but I will be playing to
Day 68: Thursday July 23rd, (Rune
Drawn: Laguz) : There are days like the last two when I am thinking on a
situation, or event when I do my daily rune draw. Today, I did not; I was
simply asking what the day had in store for me. I really feel this is the
direction I want to go with my daily draws, as these should be more for daily guidance.
(Well that and learning the runes.) If I want an answer to a specific question,
or guidance on a particular situation I think I shall do a more in depth pull,
or a casting. Now for this draw. Laguz represents water, and its easy flowing
nature. With all I have to do tonight, I believe the runes are telling me that
I need to relax and follow the currents and I’ll make it through tonight. I
know I’ll get everything done, but it is nice to the kindred remind me to just
go with the flow.
Friday July 24th, missed this day, was super busy! Sorry!
Friday July 24th, missed this day, was super busy! Sorry!
Day 69: Saturday July 20th, (Rune Drawn: Gebo) : Today
is new rune day. These days are always filled with a mix of excitement and
dread. As, when I pull a rune I have not had before, I have no clue what it means. This time was not to
bad, though it was a new rune, I did not feel dread at all. Once I looked up
the rune, it could not have been more perfect for the day. Today is Alex’s
Birthday, and one of Gebo meanings is about the exchange of gifts. Side note,
when I made it to the house to go to the 1st part of Birthday
festivities, Alex handed me a coin he had made for his birthday. I gave him a
card, which is what he requested, and the card tied into the coin without prior
Day 70: Sunday July 21st, (Rune Drawn: Ingwaz) : Today is the day that all my planning over the last few weeks has led to. Today is Cedarsongs Lughnassadh Ritual, and warrior games. Pulling Ingwaz today is fitting. Online the definition is: Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. Common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. Rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. Many fit into the male energy of the games, and the coming rest I get after the energy I put into the games. I did not win, but I was a winner with the way the games turned out. Thank you to all who played, and thanks to Jase for the amazing ritual.

Day 72: Tuesday July 28th, (Rune Drawn: Berkano) : The
rune of new beginnings. After the reminder yesterday that I need to focus more
on my spirituality, this rune represents the new start. This morning when I
woke up I took the time to ground and center, and thank the kindred for the day
to come. A good rune for this day.
73: Wednesday
July 29th, (Rune Drawn: Laguz) : So I drew this rune, and was
thinking about it. It can mean success in an upcoming trip, with the possibility
of loss. I am planning a trip to Indianapolis this weekend to attend another Lughnassadh ritual with the protogrove that is there.
So I thought it might mean the trip would be good and I would not be winning the
games, though I am not sure that is the definition of loss in the definition of
the rune. Sometimes I am a silly person, and need to take things at their face
value. You see the core meaning of Laguz is water. Well when I ran out today to
grab some lunch, it was sprinkling…. So I grabbed an umbrella. By the time I reached
the end of the first block it was raining hard. Once I grabbed food and headed back
to work it was pouring, and raining sideways. When I got to work, I was able to
wring at least a half cup or water out of each sock. The umbrella protected my
head, body, and one arm, but the rest was soaked. So my lesson for the kindred
today is, look deeper for the meaning of the runes, but do not forget what each
one represents.
74: Thursday
July 30th, (Rune Drawn: Ingwaz) : Another day that I was not
asking a direct question of the kindred. I just ask for general guidance for
the day. I believe that ingwaz, with its ties to male fertility is a clue. I
have been walking more, and have cut out soda, I have also more careful about
what I eat. I have not made any huge change yet (aside from the soda), just a
small change here or there. The real reasons for doing this is that I had
reached the heaviest I had ever been, and in general felt like crap. With watching what
I am eating, and no soda, I am down 2 holes on my belt, and I am feeling
better. My energy level is much higher. Soon I hope to restart my workout
routine, as once that starts I’ll feel even better. In feeling better my libido
has increased, thus the rune.
Day 75: Thursday July 31st, (Rune Drawn: Othala) : A
rune of wealth or property that cannot be sold. The rune was drawn on the day I
prepare to head out to another groves high day. Also on a day where I was able
to get a bonus game of DCC in with friends. All in all I feel it was very
appropriate for the day.
Thus ends July!
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