Adventures in Monotangles

Adventures in Monotangles was a  weekly challenge through which we explorer the world of Zentangle® by focusing on Monotangles. This page is being left up if tribute to the Adventures in Monotangles, a new challenge format will be posted soon.

During my CZT training class Molly Hollibaugh taught a session on monotangles, and I was hooked. I feel that monotangles give the tangler a unique opportunity fully explore a single tangle deeper than you normally can in a normal Zentangle tile or piece of Zentangle inspired art.

Though I first discovered monotangles in my CZT training, a little research on the net lead me to discover the origins of the term. If you are interested in the origin Christina Vandervlist, CZT lists it in her Glossary at

Each week a new adventure will be posted, be it a template to be filled in, a specific tangle to use, or anything else I think of that will help us explore monotangles.  Any templates presented in Adventures in Monotangles will created by me Roy E. Stauffer, CZT. 

Below are The guidelines I used in Adventures in Monotangles:

Adventures in Monotangles is a way for people to both have another weekly prompt for creating Zentangles/Zias, and a way to share your creations. Please provide supportive or constructive criticism for each other, but avoid non-constructive criticism.

If the Adventure is a choose your own Tangle Adventure, and you are not sure which tangle to use, please visit, as they are a great resource for finding Tangles.
1) Once your adventure is complete, please scan your piece and/or take a picture of it.
2) You need to have a Blog, Picasa or Flickr account, to up load your picture to.
3) On the post for the Adventure you are completing go to the bottom of the page and find the “Linkey Machine” enter your name and a link to the web address of your post. Please link to your entry, not your homepage.
4)Visit the pictures that others have left here and leave feedback!

If you have any trouble or question please feel free to contact me at

Thank you for taking the time to join me in the Adventures in Monotangles.


  1. I need more Zentangles - thank you!

  2. Hey Roy! I notice you switch between the spelling "Monotangles" and "Montangles." Not sure which word is correct. :-)

  3. Blarg! Thanks for pointing that out, I guess it is true when they say you are your own worst proofreader. =D it should be Monotangles I'll go through and get that fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.

  4. HA! I know exactly how you feel.....I am the SAME way. :-)

  5. Hola Roy! Soooooo when you click on Adventures in Monotangles....the 6th one is not there. (not linked above) and when i click on the link from your posting in our group, it says challenge number 5, but actually brings you to 6! :-)

  6. I have 6 posted above now. I think I put a comment in the post on FB, that I had the number wrong. Benadryl will be the death of me yet I swear.
