Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Zendala Dare #46

Zendala Dare #46

Well I was able to get another of the Zendala Dares done today. I really wanted to do two things with this dare, I wanted it to be a Monotangle, and I wanted to play with the dew drop effect. I figured this pattern with its rounded shapes would lend itself to the dewdrop. It was difficult to decide which pattern to use for this dare, but I eventually settled on Enzeppel as it is both one of my favorite patterns, and I think it lends itself to the Dewdrop effect. So without further comment here is my version of Zendala Dare #46.

The reason I chose to do this as a monotangles it twofold. First, I have been doing a lot of monotangles lately, I find them very calming, and it is interesting to see the same pattern in different areas of the same tile/Zia. Second, starting in March, hopefully the Seventh, I’ll be introducing a new weekly challenge called “Adventures in Montangles.”


  1. Very interesting, and intriguing. First - what is the dewdrop effect? I love how you've made the bulbs pop. Looking forward to the monotangle challenges.

  2. Dewdrop is what makes it look like it's popping off the page. This link has a great example. Look down near the bottom of the page,

  3. Hi Roy,
    Great mono-Zendala! Love that 3D-effect the drops have. Looking forward to the monotangle challenges, maybe I will participate :)

  4. This is great! I think you should decorate your Easter eggs with this pattern!
